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How, Why and When to report. If you don't know, then you have come to the right place. In this thread I will tell you about the report system.

Firstly is How you do this.
At the bottom of a posters details, you will see a row of buttons. One looks like a line (Exclamation mark) in a triangle. This is your report button. This will load a new page. In this new page, you can write a reason why you want to report the thread. This can be for insults/language and spam/off-topic. To report the whole post, just Report the first Post.

Report page:

Secondly is Why you do this.
You do this so a moderator (or elder/admin) can see posts that need sorting at a glance. This makes our jobs easier, as well as keeping the forums cleaner! We can only do so much as moderators, as we are volunteers, so have other commitments. Instead of complaining, try and help.

Thirdly and Lastly is When you do this.
This is simple. Do it as soon as you see the post. Don't think that someone else will, because they might not. Instead of going off-topic and also receiving punishment, report and post on-topic. You should also not quote the offending post, this may also lead to punishment.


Kako, zašto i kada se prijaviti. Ako ne znate, onda ste došli na pravo mjesto. In this thread ću vam reći o izvješću sustavu.

Prvo je Kako ste to učinili.
Na dnu plakata detalja, vidjet ćete red gumba. Jedan izgleda kao liniju (uskličnik) u trokut. Ovo je vaš izvještaj gumb. Ovo će se učitati nova stranica. U toj novoj stranici, možete napisati razlog zašto želite prijaviti konac. To može biti za uvrede / jezik i spam / off-topic. Da biste prijavili cijeli post, samo Izvještaj prvi post.

Drugo je Zašto ste to učinili.
Možete to učiniti tako da moderator (ili stariji / admin) mogu vidjeti postove koje je potrebno za razvrstavanje na pogled. To čini naš posao lakši, kao i održavanju foruma čistač! Mi samo možemo učiniti toliko kao moderatora, kao što smo mi volonteri, tako da imaju druge obveze. Umjesto da se žali, i pokušati pomoći.

Treće i na kraju je Kada to učinite.
To je jednostavna. Učinite to čim te vidjeti post. Nemojte misliti da će netko drugi, jer oni ne mogu. Umjesto odlaska off-topic i primanja kazne, izvješće i post na temu. Također, ne treba citat uvredljiv post, ovaj svibanj isto tako dovesti do kazne.

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